Why powder metallurgy is a green manufacturing technology?

With the frequent occurrence of global warming and extreme weather, environmental issues have increasingly become the focus of attention in the world. Plastic waste that is difficult to degrade can be seen everywhere, aggravating pollution. All countries are actively developing and utilizing new energy sources to reduce environmental impact. pollute.

powder metallurgy parts
Powder metallurgy is a green manufacturing technology

Powder metallurgy has been recognized by the industry as a green and sustainable manufacturing technology, which can save energy by about 60% compared with traditional metal forming processes, and its material utilization rate can be as high as 95%. Because the production process has no environmental pollution, is green and environmentally friendly, and conforms to the concepts of energy saving, emission reduction and sustainable development, it is called a green environmental protection process.

Some of the advantages of powder metallurgy, such as sustainable functions, material sustainability, energy sustainability, and environmental sustainability, were introduced.


persistent function

In terms of continuous function, the final forming ability and material utilization rate of powder metallurgy are very high, which can minimize the overall energy consumption. Compared with the casting or forging + cutting process of the traditional process (hot processing + cold processing), the powder metallurgy process only needs to use a few fewer processes to manufacture the same part, the product has high precision and reduces secondary processing, that is, more processes can be completed , more complex process.


material sustainability

The final formability of powder metallurgy is its main advantage when it comes to material sustainability. For example, if a toothed part is made by traditional CNC technology, up to 40% of the material will become chips, while in powder metallurgy, 85% of the powder raw materials are produced from recycled materials, and in powder metallurgy In the production process of parts, the waste loss of each process is generally 3% or less, and its material utilization rate can reach 95%, which greatly improves the sustainability of materials and improves the utilization rate.

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energy sustainability

In terms of energy sustainability, the general traditional manufacturing process needs to go through several heating and reheating processes before it can be finally formed; while producing steel powder or iron powder by the atomization method, only the scrap steel needs to be smelted once, and all other heat The processing process is carried out at a temperature lower than the melting point, which not only saves energy but also can make the final shape and form the required material properties and mechanical performance. By comparing the utilization rate of metal-forming process materials, we found that the energy required to manufacture powder metallurgy parts is 44% of forging-cutting parts, saving more than 60% of energy.

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environmental sustainability

In terms of environmental sustainability, due to the final forming ability of powder metallurgy, in general, the finished parts are made after sintering, and can be packaged and delivered immediately. In most cases, the cutting oil used in processing powder metallurgy products is negligible, and the toxic pollutants released by pollution sources such as cooling water are also very small. Compared with other manufacturing processes, the powder metallurgy parts industry has little harm to the environment. However, in the process of CNC processing, at least 30% of the product can be cut, and the process of recycling and reproducing the waste produced is not environmentally friendly.


The development prospect of powder metallurgy

At present, powder metallurgy technology has been widely used in aerospace, weapons, biology, new energy, information, transportation, machinery, electronics, and nuclear industries. JH MIM has been committed to technology research and development and innovation for many years, and will produce structural parts with higher strength and high precision in the near future.

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